by HdomstAdmin | Apr 25, 2022 | Novosti
“ZAJEDNO KROZ ŽIVOT”HOD ZA OBOLJELE OD SARKOMA Travanj 2022., Bundek, Zagreb Sarkomi su maligni tumori koji nastaju iz stanica vezivnog i koštanog tkiva, a najčešći su sarkomi ekstremiteta, te je tako simbolično organizirana akcija u kojoj zajedno hodamo za NJIH, naše...
by HdomstAdmin | Apr 22, 2022 | Novosti
Are you getting ready for the big day?! On 18 May it is European Cancer Nursing Day. This is a very special event when cancer nurses across Europe come together in a virtual campaign to highlight the issues facing the profession and inspire and support each other in...
by HdomstAdmin | Mar 28, 2022 | Novosti
Hrvatsko društvo onkoloških sestara i tehničara u suradnji s udrugom P.I.N.K – life lokacija Zagreb Prve proljetne subote tradicionalno se obilježava Dan narcisa, humanitarna akcija i javno zdravstvena kampanja koju je pokrenula Hrvatska liga protiv raka. Cilj je...
by HdomstAdmin | Mar 18, 2022 | Novosti
This month we bring you more information about the EONS15 conference in September, with the chance to view the draft programme and the news that registration will open later this month. We also announce the next ESO-EONS Masterclass with a call to apply for this...
by HdomstAdmin | Mar 9, 2022 | Novosti
Ovo je mala zahvala požrtvovnim damama koje u ovim izazovnim vremenima stoje na prvoj crti obrane našeg zdravlja i dobrobiti.PIŠE TANJA GIOVANELLI 8. ožujka 2022. – 11:53 U znak zahvale požrtvovnim ženama koje u ovim izazovnim vremenima stoje na prvoj crti...
by HdomstAdmin | Feb 21, 2022 | Novosti
WELCOME Spring is on its way and we are all hoping that the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic is behind us. This means that we can begin to look forward to our timetable of cancer nursing events for the rest of the year, and hope that we will be able to see each other...