EONS Newsletter srpanj/kolovoz 2022.

EONS Newsletter srpanj/kolovoz 2022.

Summer is here and we hope that you will get some time for a break when you can enjoy the sunshine and relax with family and friends. You fully deserve it – and, it’s a fact that to give the best care to our patients, we must first take care of ourselves. In this...
EONS Newsletter srpanj/kolovoz 2022.

EONS Newsletter lipanj 2022.

ECND MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN CROATIA – READ THE LATEST YCN BLOG In the June blog, Nikolina Dodlek of the Croatian Oncology Nursing Society describes welcoming EONS to their capital city, Zagreb, for ECND22. She says: “As a relatively ‘young’ oncology nursing society,...


Dan plave zvijezde obilježava se svake godine u lipnju po uzoru na manifestaciju „Dress in Blue Day“, koja se već niz godina održava u SAD-u u organizaciji Colorectal Cancer Alliance. U Hrvatskoj se obilježava šestu godinu zaredom, a cilj ovog...