WEBINAR #2: Cancer Nurses and Psychological Distress

WEBINAR #2: Cancer Nurses and Psychological Distress

Cancer nurses have been noticed as one of the groups at the greatest risk for psychological distress. Oncology nurses’ chronic stress related to the suboptimal healthcare outcome of patients significantly increases the risk of developing post-traumatic stress...
WEBINAR #1: The Future of Cancer Treatments

WEBINAR #1: The Future of Cancer Treatments

Finding methods of successfully treating cancer has been one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. Worldwide, an estimated 19.3 million new cancer cases and almost 10.0 million cancer deaths occurred in 2020 (GLOBOCAN 2020). According to estimates from the...
Dan palijativne skrbi

Dan palijativne skrbi

Svake godine, kroz mnogo razmišljanja i razmatranja odabire se tema za Svjetski danhospicija i palijative skrbi. Ove godine obilježava se 14. listopada pod temom: „Suosjećajne zajednice- zajedno za palijativnu skrb“. Ovogodišnja tema nadovezuje se na prošlogodišnju i...